Support Contracts

Ensure a return on your Salesforce Investment

Over the years, we have taught thousands of individuals how to get the most out of Salesforce. Our training content is not “one-size-fits-all.” For each company we work with, we reinforce your business processes by incorporating screenshots of your Salesforce configuration.

Salesforce support is key for long-term end-user adoption
Your users want to know – “What’s in it for me (WIFM)?” Simply put, you need to show your team that they can accomplish more working in Salesforce. We typically offer live hands-on training sessions onsite at your location, but we can also deliver employee training remotely, over the internet, via a web conference.

Support Agreements may include:

  • Provide interactive and hands-on training with exercises that are relevant to individual roles
  • Provide tips, tricks, and techniques that save time entering and searching for data
  • Show users how they can manage their business processes from start to finish in the cloud
  • Show users how to create a history of interaction with customers using activities and emails
  • Explain how to manage daily tasks and respond in a timely manner
  • Show how to monitor progress and success using reports and dashboards (i.e., analytics) and ensure data is entered consistently and accurately so that the reports and dashboards tell the true story
  • Demonstrate how to use familiar tools like Outlook and stay in sync with Salesforce
  • Explain how to manage duplicate records to keep Salesforce database clean and relevant
  • Demonstrate how to work in Salesforce from a mobile device so you and your team can work outside the office and on the road
Navigating the Top 6 Salesforce Challenges
Overcoming Hurdles to CRM Success
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