Our strategy is to reduce risk, create predictable outcomes and control costs. Rapid doesn’t always allow for this, but we approach all projects with this strategy in mind, The AvideonCRM Rapid Development Team focuses on engagements for companies with specific situational needs. They may need to deploy Sales Cloud under a tight deadline; tweak a service cloud deployment that has evolved; have a specific team-focused development within an existing instance of Salesforce; or may simply have limited budgets and need a “kick start” for their internal development. In any case, AvideonCRM takes care to implement best practices for any development to ensure long-term fidelity of the client’s platform and their success.
Key Benefits of a Rapid Development:
For Rapid Development, AvideonCRM accelerates it’s 5D approach including Discovery, Design, Development, Data and Deployment. We don’t cut corners, however working with the client we can “Design Build” using our experience to deploy projects quickly as the Administrator. On completion, projects are reviewed with the client for acceptance, deployment and release to the client’s team with appropriate training and support.
Let us bring our methodology and experience as part of your team to support your rapid development needs.